Game of Darts

JavaScript is great but...

  • don't forget your vars, or
  • semicolons, or
  • this, or
  • ===
  • no prototypical privacy
  • no lexical closures,
  • no namespaces,
  • no package sharing,
  • no dependency management

No stdlibs

* There's a reason 65% of webpages include jQuery


So how does Dart fit in?





import 'dart:html';

main() {
  var msg = querySelector('#msg');
  var btn = new ButtonElement();
  btn.text = 'Click me!';
  btn.onClick.listen((e) => msg.text = 'Dart!');

Insprired by

  • JavaScript
  • CoffeeScript
  • Ruby
  • Java
  • C#

Short function definitions

// Who needs a function keyword?
awesome(int num) {
  return "$num MILLION DOLLARS!!!";

// One liner callbacks are easy
// Notice, the return is implied
var some = (num) => "$num MILLION DOLLARS!!!";

print(awesome(5));  // 5 MILLION DOLLARS!!!
print(some(5));     // 5 MILLION DOLLARS!!!

Lexical Closures

awesome() {
  var a = "outside";
  print a;              // outside

  if (true) {
    var a = "inside";

    print a;            // inside
  print a;              // outside


class Sauce {
  applyTo(meal) {
    print("$meal, with sauce.");

class HotSauce {
  applyTo(meal) {
    print("$meal, with hot sauce. SPICY!");

new Sauce().applyTo("Burger");      // Burger, with sauce.
new HotSauce().applyTo("Chips");    // Chips, with hot sauce. SPICY!


abstract class Sauce {
  applyTo(meal) => throw "implement this";

abstract class Spicy {
  warn() => print("Don't drink me!");

class HotSauce extends Sauce with Spicy {
  applyTo(meal) => print("$meal, with hot sauce. SPICY!");

new HotSauce()
  ..applyTo("Chips")    // Chips, with hot sauce. SPICY!
  ..warn();             // Don't drink me!

main() function

void main() {
  print("It's like writing C again!");
  print("No guessing which <script> tags are running code."); 

Private methods

class SuperHero {

  SuperHero(real_identity) => _real_identity = real_identity;

// In another library
var super_man = new SuperHero("Clark Kent");
super_man._real_identity;                     // Private to library

Optional, named and default params

setFlags({bool verbose: false, bool dry_run: false}) {
  // use verbose and dry_run here

log(message, [Logger logger]) {
  if (?logger) {
  } else {

void main() {
  setFlags(dry_run: true);


typedef int Compare(int a, int b);

int sort(int a, int b) => a - b;

main() {
  assert(sort is Compare);  // True!


import 'dart:mirrors';

class MyAnnotation {
  final String note;
  const MyAnnotation(this.note);

@MyAnnotation('Go! Go! Gadget!')
class Annotated {

main() {
  ClassMirror mirror = reflectClass(Annotated);
  String note = mirror.metadata.
      where((a) => a.type.reflectedType == MyAnnotation).


No variable hoisting

my_func() {
  a = 0;      // Doesn't define window.a
              // It just doesn't compile

Functions without classes

i_have_no_class() {
  print("rolling without any hommies.");

Function closures include this

class MyHandler {
  on_event_callback(e) {
    // When this is called, this != window

main() {
  handler = new MyHandler();

Method Cascades

class Person {
  String name;
  greet() => print("Hi, my name is $name!");

main() {
  Person bob = new Person() = "Bob"
    ..greet();               // "Hi, my name is Bob!"

Constructor shortcuts

class Simple {

  Simple(this._name, this._description);

void main() {
  var simple = new Simple("Bob", "I'm awesome!");

Named contructors

class Simple {

  Simple(this._name, this._description);
  Simple.withDefaults() {
    _name = "Default";
    _description = "No magic here.";

void main() {
  var simple = new Simple.withDefaults();

Factory methods

class Singleton {
  static Singleton _singleton;

  factory Singleton() {
    if (_singleton == null) {
      print("Creating singleton");      
      _singleton = new Singleton._internal();
    return _singleton;
  Singleton._internal() { }

void main() {
  var a = new Singleton(),    // Creating singleton
      b = new Singleton();    // Same as the first!

Robust Standard Library


future_worker() {
  Completer completer = new Completer();
  new Timer(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {

  return completer.future;

main() {
  future_worker().then((data) => print("In the future!"));


my_file.openRead().transform(new Latin1Decoder()).
  listen((line) => print(line));

btn.onClick.listen((evt) => print("Button Click!"));

Isolates and Ports

import 'dart:isolate';

runningInAnIsolate(SendPort replyTo) {
  replyTo.send("Hello from the isolate!");

main() {
  ReceivePort port = new ReceivePort();
  Isolate.spawn(runningInAnIsolate, port.sendPort);

  port.listen((msg) => print(msg),
              onDone: () => port.close());

Libraries & Parts

// In ballgame.dart
library ballgame;   // Declare that this is a library named ballgame.

import 'dart:html'; // This app uses the HTML library.

// Include other files in the library
part 'ball.dart';
part 'util.dart';

// In ball.dart
part of ballgame;

// In your code
import "package:ballgame";

Go to the Pub

Standard package creation and sharing

~720 packages

Dart Editor

Optional Types

Tree Shaking

VM Snapshots


Run the same code on:

  • Server
  • Browser

Compile to JavaScript

Interop with JavaScript

import 'dart:js' as js;

main() {
  // Bind a Dart function to a JavaScript name
  js.context["greeter"] = (name) => "Hello, from $name!";

  // Call the JavaScript function we just bound
  var greeting = js.context.callMethod("greeter", ["Dart"]);

  // Call the same Dart function we bound, in JavaScript
  // console.log(greeter("JavaScript"));

The Big Picture

Dart is open-source, built by solid people who build V8, JVM, and Smalltalk VMs

Dart succeeds if the web moves forward

Learn More
